Thursday 4 August 2011

and dafter.....

Yet again the British "Justice" system has shown how it is protecting us from the evil in our society.

The RSPCA has taken a 71 year old pensioner to court for the henious crime of being unable to have her beloved labrador put down when it became old and arthritic. She had rescued the dog 11 years ago and it was her only companion, in court she admitted that she knew the dog was probably in pain but said that she knew that the vet would probably insist on having her best friend put down. It was also put to the court that the 71 year old was unable to walk far herself due to arthritis and as she lived solely on her meagre pension could not afford to call out a vet.

The magistrates court of course was not swayed by these facts and decided to find her guilty of causing unecessary suffering to an animal. The magistrate was duty bound to pass an appropriate sentence.

The appropriate sentence they passed ????

They had this frail 71 year old grandmother electronically tagged and imposed a curfew from 6pm until 7am !!!!!! WHAT ???

Was this because they thought that now her beloved pet had been put down she was going to go off the rails and end up sitting outside the co-op at 10pm drinking Lambrini and harassing passersby for cigarettes?? She is 71, she is probably in bed by 9pm anyway, she has arthritis and can't walk far. What does this pathetic sentence achieve other than to humiliate someone whos only "crime" was being unable to bear the loss of her best friend ?

The magistrate responsible should not only hang their head in shame but be immediately taken off the bench and their sanity questioned.

Thursday 28 July 2011

Is British Justice getting dafter..

So this week has seen yet another triumph of the British "Justice" system.

A man who was given a ticket for parking in a "parent and child" space in an Asda carpark, got angry and clipped the jobsworth warden with his car as he drove off in anger was jailed for six months,banned from driving for 15 months and is being made to take an extended driving test.

Now he was definitely driving dangerously probably because he was so angry, after all it was Asda which has free parking and even if he didn't have a child when he parked, is it an offence which should attract a fine of £60 ? How long does it take to pop into Asda and grab some milk, bread etc. (don't get me started on how many tills were open or the queues and inept staff!). I would have been bloody angry too!!.

He was given a prison sentence, not because of his dangerous driving but because he was a middle class man who drove a Jaguar and "needed to be made an example of" even though he admitted what he had done and has a family with young children to support.

WHAT !!!! when the drugged up benefit grabbing scum who burgle homes, steal cars and then make off from the police, driving at huge speeds in residential areas, putting the general public at risk, then crash some hard working persons car and resist arrest go to court they deny the offence, costing an expensive trial (legal aid naturally) and end up with "community service" (which they don't bother to turn up for) or a fine which they pay at 50p a week because they have to pay for a drug habit !. THESE are the ones the British public want to see examples made of .

On a side note why have private parking firms, who have the ability to levy whatever fines they see fit for alleged "offences" suddenly started appearing in supermarket carparks? Are these the same people who were/are wheelclampers and have now been legislated against ?.... Personally I have NEVER been to a supermarket carpark where there are no parking spaces so what exactly are these firms trying to enforce ? How much are the multi-million pound supermarkets making from them ? ...............Oh yeah, "every little helps" !!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Is it just me or......: Hacking !!!

Is it just me or......: Hacking !!!: "So phone hacking was indemic at NOTW, without a doubt it was an absolute invasion of privacy. I am appaled at the depths they sank to, Mlly ..."

Hacking !!!

So phone hacking was indemic at NOTW, without a doubt it was an absolute invasion of privacy. I am appaled at the depths they sank to, Mlly Dowler FFS! Still they have now managed to have NOTW closed down and two senior police officers, who have undoubtably got years of experience and hundreds if not thousands of successful prosecutions under their belt, to resign.....of course that makes the UK a safer place....

Strange how when the MP's abuse of expenses came to light, thanks to the NOTW (and others) we never semed to seek the resignation of those same police officers.

The hacking "scandal" is of course abysmal, that they used a relatively publicly well known "hack" to access peoples voicemail is of course an abuse, it is illegal and those responsible, those who condoned it and those who paid for it should be brought to justice is is beyond doubt.

The people who now make up the parlimenatary committee, who are so obviously delighting in the questioning of those deemed responsible are those who were so quiet during the "alleged" investigation of those MP's who were allegedlly accused of using the publics' money to line their own pockets.

Is it only me who thinks that it's strange that although undoubtably reprehensible the NOTW's actions have been, when the tables were turned and it was the politicians who were under scrutiny NO senior police officers were forced to resign, NO senior politicians acknowledged that it had gone on and No Leader resigned.

Apparently Rupert Murdoch a billionaire owner of multi-organisations employing literally thousands of employees has to be called in front of a committee of parimentary members whos' only real achievement is to dupe the general public into voting for them, to explain why he didn't know that several of those employees were acting illegally has never been explained.

Ther are 649 British MP's in the British Parliment yet when it was revealed that a relatively large proportion of them had been ripping off the British Public by using their money in any way they saw fit and claiming it as expenses, nobody called for the resignation of the head(s) of the organisation and they were not called in front of anyone never mind a parlimentary committee.

Brown and Blair are undoubtably thanking whatever gods they believe in that they left office before this came to light, all premiers (such a misnomer) all have a very close relationship with the media (read Piers Morgans biography), I happen to believe in David Cameron but incidents such as these where he allows these miscarriages to continue make me believe that the government is just an institution where no matter what happens retaining power is the ultimate goal.

Lets be honest, ok the NOTW and probably other tabloids hacked peoples voicemail to get an edge on other publications, reprehensible, morally distastful and illegal but nobody was physically hurt, nobody lost any money and nobody can say that it is anything that the the current and previous governments are probably doing to all of us right now.

Get a grip UK this is simply a way for the government to get more control over the media !