Thursday 4 August 2011

and dafter.....

Yet again the British "Justice" system has shown how it is protecting us from the evil in our society.

The RSPCA has taken a 71 year old pensioner to court for the henious crime of being unable to have her beloved labrador put down when it became old and arthritic. She had rescued the dog 11 years ago and it was her only companion, in court she admitted that she knew the dog was probably in pain but said that she knew that the vet would probably insist on having her best friend put down. It was also put to the court that the 71 year old was unable to walk far herself due to arthritis and as she lived solely on her meagre pension could not afford to call out a vet.

The magistrates court of course was not swayed by these facts and decided to find her guilty of causing unecessary suffering to an animal. The magistrate was duty bound to pass an appropriate sentence.

The appropriate sentence they passed ????

They had this frail 71 year old grandmother electronically tagged and imposed a curfew from 6pm until 7am !!!!!! WHAT ???

Was this because they thought that now her beloved pet had been put down she was going to go off the rails and end up sitting outside the co-op at 10pm drinking Lambrini and harassing passersby for cigarettes?? She is 71, she is probably in bed by 9pm anyway, she has arthritis and can't walk far. What does this pathetic sentence achieve other than to humiliate someone whos only "crime" was being unable to bear the loss of her best friend ?

The magistrate responsible should not only hang their head in shame but be immediately taken off the bench and their sanity questioned.